
About Me

I am a recent graduate of BCIT's Computer Systems Technology Diploma, Artificial Intellegence and Machine Learning option. I love learning and am always working on learning something new. I prefer working in Python with data and AI/ML techniques or backend. However BCITs Computer Systems Technology program provided me with a variety of skills.

I come from a telecommunications technical and customer support background. From that, I gained the skills to investigate and resolve issues and developed excellent communication skills.

I am passionate about the possibilities technology gives us to improve the world around us. I believe we have the chance to better the world around us with the things we make.

Outside of programming, I am also an artist of traditional mediums, such as ink on paper. I bring that creativity to everything I do, and I enjoy the opportunity programming provides to create.


Image of a Pokemon search tool

FARM Stack example

This portfolio project highlights my expertise in full-stack development through the creation of a dynamic web application using the FARM stack—FastAPI, React, and MongoDB. The FastAPI backend ensures efficient data handling with asynchronous programming, guaranteeing swift responsiveness. The React frontend offers a modern and intuitive user interface, enabling seamless exploration and interaction with Pokémon data. MongoDB serves as the flexible and scalable NoSQL database, accommodating the project's dynamic nature.

Key features include a robust search page for filtering Pokémon based on various criteria, enhancing user experience, and a comprehensive edit page facilitating CRUD operations. This showcases the application's versatility and completeness. The technologies employed include FastAPI for backend API development, React for the frontend UI, and MongoDB for flexible data storage. Overall, this project not only demonstrates technical proficiency but also emphasizes the ability to design and implement a user-centric application with a focus on interactivity and effective data management.

Select the image to go to the site.

Image of GUI for picking episodes

Random Episode Picker

I created this episode picker to select a random episode from multiple seasons of a tv show. In this case, I selected the show Star Trek.

I wrote this app in Python. I used the Tkinter library to create a basic GUI and used random functionality to pick episodes. The episode can either be selected completely randomly with the random button or randomly from a specific series using the button corresponding to that series.

With over 800 episodes collecting the data efficiently was important so I used web scraping with Python. I created a CSV file for the program to read. During this, I ran into problems getting all the data in the same format, due to having to access multiple sites. It took a few iterations to get this correct. I also manually cleaned up some of the data. Github


In a team of 3, over the first term we worked on developing a web app to allow people to find safe places to dine out during the covid-19 pandemic.

We used Firestore and Firebase to create our user logins and save user and restaurant information. The app allows users to search for restaurants and leave reviews. We planned to use crowdsourced information to verify mask policies and headcounts in restaurants. We hope to add this in a future update.

Using JavaScript I built the user profile page which pulls the users' information (name, email) and provides a personal greeting. I also created the check for user login and the logout functionality on the profile page.

Throughout, I learned a lot about user-centred design and agile methodology. I also learned about working and coding with a team.

The app is best viewed on mobile and can be seen at or on my Github.

Image of web app CovidBites
Image of web app CovidBites


In a team of 3, over the first term we worked on developing a web app to allow people to find safe places to dine out during the covid-19 pandemic.

We used Firestore and Firebase to create our user logins and save user and restaurant information. The app allows users to search for restaurants and leave reviews. We planned to use crowdsourced information to verify mask policies and headcounts in restaurants. We hope to add this in a future update.

Using JavaScript I built the user profile page which pulls the users' information (name, email) and provides a personal greeting. I also created the check for user login and the logout functionality on the profile page.

Throughout, I learned a lot about user-centred design and agile methodology. I also learned about working and coding with a team.

The app is best viewed on mobile and can be seen at or on my Github.

Image of a game similar to pong

Tennis Game

I built this tennis game to become more familiar with JavaScript. Using canvass and JavaScript I was able to make a one player game like pong.

The paddle follows the users mouse. The paddle is set to change the speed and angle of the ball depending on where on the paddle it contacts. The game runs to 3 points at which point it declares a winner and is paused until the user clicks the mouse.

Select the image to play

Covax (mis)Info

Worked in a team of 4 during NWHacks 2021 to create a React app which displays common covid 19 vaccine misinformation that is being spread on twitter.

I created the wordcloud data visualization of the most common words in the tweets using Python with Pandas, Matplotlib and wordcloud.

The biggest challenge in this project was getting Nodejs to run the Python scripts, using google and troubleshooting techniques we able to get this working using PythonShell.

Throughout, I learned a lot about troubleshooting when technologies are not working together, such as with Nodejs and Python.


Image of web app (mis) info

Covax (mis)Info

Worked in a team of 4 during NWHacks 2021 to create a React app which displays common covid 19 vaccine misinformation that is being spread on twitter.

I created the wordcloud data visualization of the most common words in the tweets using Python with Pandas, Matplotlib and wordcloud.

The biggest challenge in this project was getting Nodejs to run the Python scripts, using google and troubleshooting techniques we able to get this working using PythonShell.

Throughout, I learned a lot about troubleshooting when technologies are not working together, such as with Nodejs and Python.



Thumbnail image of Resume

Resume Highlights


Computer Systems Technology Diploma - AI/ML Option, BCIT – With Distinction Dec 2022


Cumputer User Support Assistant, NVRC

Student Software Developer, IOTO